Beach Access Ramps are Located at both Bathing Beach Pavilions that serve the main swimming beach.
Beach Wheel Chairs that can be used on the designated recreational beach and other wheelchairs that are specially fitted for surf fishing use are available at both Bathing Beach Pavilions during the summer season. They are available at the park office during other times of the year.
Accessible restrooms are provided at the Visitor Contact Station (Main Gate), Ocean Swimming Areas (the recreational beach in the middle of Island Beach), the Park Office, Parking Area A-6, and the Interpretive Center.
The Fisherman's Walkway at Parking Area A-7 is a wide, well maintained boardwalk trail that allows less mobile visitors to Island Beach State Park to traverse the entire island, from ocean to bay, and see all of the habitats associated with a barrier island.
Please call the park office if you have any questions about access. 732-793-0506. Text telephone users can call the New Jersey Relay Service at 800-852-7899.